Crochet is a form of hand sewing needle work that creates beautiful and unique patterns. You can use a variety of different yarns and needles to weave different projects, such as scarves, blankets, towels, rugs, bags and even hair accessories. is the spokesperson for the crochet community. Provides an active forum for crochet lovers, with in-depth information and technical discussions, crochet project resources, expert articles, and much more. Users can browse thousands of original recipes and free crochet diagrams, easily organized according to their skill level.
Plus, it provides a safe and interactive place to find and share ideas, post questions and get answers about crochet. Users can also take part in various chat rooms, photo albums and other areas of interest, including crossword puzzles and a shopping section of search results on retailer websites. also has a blog where members can read and comment on new trends, in-depth tutorials, and helpful tips that help new learners get to grips with crochet techniques, often with step-by-step video.
There’s also a list of crochet designer directories and live study rooms, which help apprentices learn about the profession, and for those who want it, there are links to books, articles and more about crochet techniques and their ancestors. is definitely a great way to get into crochet and find everything you need to develop that skill. It’s a fun and welcoming place that attracts new and experienced learners alike to become a part of the community.